Steph Langdon

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Brooke Bulloch, RD

Update: Of course, businesses evolve and I'm happy to say that Brooke's has grown in leaps and bounds. She now has multiple dietitians in her practice, which adds a new dimension to her skills as a boss!

We are excited to feature Brooke Ashli Bulloch of Food to Fit today. She is a well known media dietitian in Saskatoon and a fellow local private practice entrepreneur. Brooke has had many experiences that led to her current role.

Why did you become a RD?

After high school, I had four years to work, travel, and explore my interests. Throughout that time I had a variety of jobs, but my position as a Special Care Aid for older adults certainly played a role in developing a joy and appreciation for supporting the wellness of others. Along with what I learned abroad about food and culture, I put my focus towards a career that combined food, wellness, people, and optimizing growth and aging.

What area of dietetics do you work in? (*updated February 26, 2018)

I am a Consulting Dietitian running a private practice in Saskatoon called Food to Fit Nutrition Inc. I have a team of dietitians working with me now, each with a unique set of skills to support our unique client base.  Through individual counseling, group learning or the media we translate nutrition science into practical planning, counseling, and eating! Personalized nutrition, nurturing food relationships, sustainable health. My personal areas of expertise include supporting clients with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, prenatal nutrition, infant feeding and introducing solids, irritable bowel syndrome, plant-based eating, and food allergies/sensitivities all using a mindful/intuitive eating and non-diet approach. Facilitating group workshops and public speaking is a big part of my work that I love! I speak to community groups, corporate groups, post secondary schools, and professional AGMs/events, and the media. I've had the privilege of working with Huffington Post, Best Health Magazine, Canadian Living, Chatelaine, Toronto Tonic, The Globe and Mail, and continue as a regular guest on Saskatoon's Global News Morning. I was a media spokesperson for Dietitians of Canada from 2014 to 2017.

What has been your career path?

I started out in 2009 with the Saskatoon Health Region (SHR) as Clinical Dietitian at St. Paul’s Hospital. In 2010 I accepted a temporary position as Community Nutritionist with the Food for Thought and Healthy Mother Healthy Baby programs. In 2011, I transferred to Population Public Health supporting nurses and taking infant/child referrals through the immunization clinics. It was during this time that I started consulting on the side and six months later I was a proud (and overwhelmed!) business owner. Entrepreneurship was new to me, I had a steep learning curve ahead, and I was happy to have consistency with SHR. In 2012, I accepted a permanent position at Sherbrooke Community Centre supporting adults of all ages in a fabulous long-term care environment. I now focus my time in private practice building the vision I have for Food To Fit.

What are your ‘typical’ daily/weekly tasks? (*updated February 26, 2018)

Day-to-day tasks include responding to email inquiries, returning phone calls, and meeting with clients or working on contracts. I set time aside each week for strategic planning around social media posts (mostly using Facebook, Instagram and Twitter), for networking and other business promotion, administration and billing, and bookkeeping. I am regularly involved in the media writing articles or interviewing for TV, radio, or print media. Experimenting in the kitchen is definitely part of the week-to-week tasks and my favourite recipes are photographed and blogged. I attempt to be a good leader and role model to my team at Food to Fit and we meet once monthly to discuss challenging or successful client cases, business flow, new trends, research, and areas of potential growth.

What advanced education or special training do you have? (*updated February 26, 2018)

 Having exposure to various roles early in my career, I gained a variety of skills and experience. I have learned how to connect with individuals and the importance of hearing their stories; I have gained confidence and insight to recognize my strengths and limitations; I take opportunities to learn and develop where possible. The day I feel I know everything about nutrition and dietetics is the day I fail as a dietitian. I will be forever learning, growing, and expanding on my education.

Having said that, in 2010 I completed the Maternal and Infant Nutrition Course through the University of Minnesota. In 2013 I participated in the Eden Alternative Associate Training through Sherbrooke Community Centre. In 2016 I completed Stephanie Clairmont's Low FODMAP and IBS Strategy Training and Dietitians of Canada/Sport Dietitians of Australia Intensive Sport Nutrition Course, and I continue to partake in various webinars through Dietitians of Canada's Learning on Demand program. I have a keen interest in building my knowledge and understanding of intuitive eating and the non-diet approach to client care so I am currently completing Fiona Willer's 'The Non Diet Approach for Dietitians' course, I am a member of The Centre for Mindful Eating and I subscribe to a few great dietitian-lead podcasts relating to intuitive eating, disordered eating, and health at every size.

In an ideal world, what does the industry look like 5 years from now? (*updated February 26, 2018)

I would like to see more Canadians with health insurance that covers private dietitian services. I would also love to see dietitians being referred to more often by other medical, complimentary, and allied health professionals with awareness of and respect for scope of practice.

What are you passionate about in dietetics? (*updated February 26, 2018)

At this point in my career, I am most passionate about supporting clients to find confidence and peace with food and the way they eat. I continue to find my non-diet voice and encourage others to find their non-diet way to wellness. I am also very passionate about presenting research and science when it comes to dieting fads, food trends, and misconceptions around food and nutrition, while building up dietitians as credible sources of nutrition information.

More about Brooke:


Twitter: @foodtofit

Facebook: Food To Fit


Thanks Brooke!