Cassandra Golden MS, RD, LDN

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for something nutrishus

Cassandra's entrance into the profession is a unique one; I think it's great when a fellow dietitian can encourage someone to follow their path. Like most of us, she is anti-diet and doesn't just spend her days making meal plans. She encourages intuitive eating and lifestyle/long-term changes. Cassandra reminds us of the behind the scenes work that dietitians do as business owners and has complementary training in the fitness world. She lays out a tasty sounding menu below as well!

Why did you become a RD?

In the year 2010, I was sitting in my Personal Wellness elective class at the University of South Florida (USF) when Cynthia Sass entered. Yes, the Legend! Cynthia introduced herself as a Registered Dietitian and I was already sold. That class changed my life. She was so passionate about nutrition, it was contagious. From there, she helped me map out my path to becoming a dietitian.

What area of dietetics do you work in?

I am the owner of the private practice, Nutrition Nibbles Consulting, LLC and the Nutrition Director for ONYX ELITE, which is a brand new performance facility based out of Richmond, VA. I specialize in intuitive eating and long term lifestyle changes. 

How would you explain what you do?

I take nutrition counseling beyond scheduled office visits for non-traditional approaches to nutrition counseling. House calls, movie nights with food-related documentaries, cupboard clean outs, grocery store tours and “walk & talk” appointments are on the menu! I also offer telenutrition services through secure videoconferencing in order to help clients with their food/nutrition related concerns across the nation. Outside of counseling clients, I do all the "behind-the-scenes" tasks, such as updating my website, two blogs and social media platforms. I also serve as a media resource for local publications and television networks as a food/nutrition expert. Finally, I teach kickboxing, pilates and Zumba classes which is more fun than work!

What are your ‘typical’ daily/weekly tasks?

On some days I put the saltshaker in the refrigerator, spray pledge on my hair and pour water in my cereal. I wish this was the newest diet craze you haven’t yet heard of. But, it’s not. I’ll admit I have days where I don’t quite have a handle on things. Then I have those days where I’m a boss. Each day is different. Each week. Each month. Nothing is “the norm”, which is FUN! For the most part, I can be found planning and implementing one-on-one counseling sessions and community events. Outside of this, I also work as an independent contractor for one hospital and two assisted living facilities. 

What has been your career path?

I began my dietetics career as a supermarket dietitian for chain of family owned stores in the northeast. From there, I moved to the south to gain experience in the clinical field. From there I took the leap of faith and transitioned into full-time private practice, which has been a beautiful adventure. In early 2017 I will have the amazing opportunity to be the Director of Nutrition for ONYX ELITE: a performance facility which specializes in sports training, fitness programs and nutrition services to non-professionals and professional athletes as well as mid-sized corporations on the east coast. 

What advanced education or special training do you have?

I have a master’s degree in Dietetics and Nutrition and a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science. I am also an AFAA group fitness instructor and Zumba Instructor.

In an ideal world, what does the industry look like 5 years from now?

In 5 years, Dietitians will be as sought after as doctors currently are. Food will be prescribed rather than most medicines. Fad Diets will be thrown to the wolves and Americans will fully adopt a diet that is majorly plants and encompasses intuitive eating.

What do people think that you do for a living?

In three words: Make Meal Plans


What are you passionate about in dietetics?

I am most passionate about the “anti-diet” way of eating. In simple terms, this is intuitive eating-which is the process of rejecting the diet mentality, making peace with food, coping with your emotions, and loving your body! I encourage fresh, whole foods with practical guidelines that can be followed indefinitely! 

What misinformation about RDs would you like to clear up? 

We don’t bite (pun intended!). We don’t judge what you’re eating. We eat more than celery and tree bark! Trust me, I’m not focusing on your plate when I’m over here crushing a quesadilla! Also, bananas ARE in fact healthy and I’m still searching for where the banana myth came from.

What is your favourite meal?

Breakfast: a tie between a Greek omelet and pumpkin whole wheat pancakes

Lunch: Ginger sesame marinated tofu & spaghetti squash salad

Dinner: Zucchini pizza boats

Dessert: A tie between white chocolate macadamia nut cookie or a cannoli

More about Cassandra:

Blog: Nutrition Nibbles Blog and The Dietitian Chronicles

Website: Nutrition Nibbles Consulting

Facebook: Nutrition Nibbles Consulting LLC

LinkedIn: Cassandra Golden, MS, RD, LDN

Instagram: @nutritionwithcassandra

Thanks Cassandra!