Lauren Manganiello, MS, RD, CDN, ACE-CPT

Lauren Manganiello Headshot.jpg


for something nutrishus

Lauren is all about helping change people's mindset and habits when it comes to fitness and food. She works with busy professionals to bring balance to their hectic schedules, which many of us can relate to. Dietitians also seem to like to stay busy, so this is a reality for most of us too. Lauren is such a great fit for the series and she too is passionate about helping people understand all the different areas that dietitians can (and do) work in.

Why did you become an RD?

I was overweight as a child. I didn’t develop a passion for nutrition or fitness until middle school. My parents had encouraged me to take up a sport so I joined the tennis team. Over time, I began to see changes in my body but also in my mindset. I began to feel more confident and comfortable in my body – it was empowering. And I want other people to experience the same! Now I work as both a nutrition & fitness coach for busy, professional women. Living a healthy lifestyle can seem challenging and overwhelming but it doesn’t have to be.

 What area of dietetics do you work in?

I have my own private practice and consulting business, Lauren Manganiello Nutrition & Fitness, in NYC. I also teach part-time as an adjunct professor at Queens College, City University of New York.

How would you explain what you do?

I provide customized nutrition and fitness coaching to busy, female professionals. Together, we bring balance to their life and schedules. Many people feel overwhelmed or confused by all of the nutrition and fitness information out there but it doesn’t have to be that way. Through individualized coaching, my clients build new healthy habits that work for them and their lifestyle. I specialize in weight management, women’s health/PCOS, sports nutrition and corporate wellness.

What are your ‘typical’ daily/weekly tasks?

Every day is different so it’s difficult to describe a ‘typical’ day. My days are all over the place and chaotic – I love it! I usually see most of my clients in the mornings and evenings. During the afternoons, I’m usually either teaching, writing content, designing programs, attending networking events or catching up on administrative tasks.

What has been your career path?

My career path has been a bit unusual. While I was in college and graduate school studying nutrition, I worked as a personal trainer in corporate gyms. Once I graduated and became an RD, I left the fitness industry and started working as a clinical nutritionist at a large NYC hospital; however, my heart wasn’t in clinical and I missed the fitness/wellness industry. I then started working in the wellness industry for a couple of years and finally left to start my own nutrition private practice and consulting business. I am able to combine my love for nutrition and fitness and share it with my clients. My other passion is teaching so I started as an adjunct lecturer at a local college. I teach 1-2 classes a semester and it’s a nice compliment to having my own business.

What advanced education or special training do you have?

I have my Masters in Nutrition from The Ohio State University and I’m also an ACE- Certified Personal Trainer. I love that I can combine nutrition and fitness when working with my clients – they’re both so important for a healthy lifestyle! I’m also a certified functional strength coach (CFSC) and I have certifications in Pre/Post-Natal Fitness, Trigger Point Myofascial Compression Techniques, Precision Nutrition Level 1 (PN1) and Kettlebell Level 1 Athletics.


In an ideal world, what does the industry look like 5 years from now?

No more diets! Nutrition and wellness really is a lifestyle and “diets” are just not sustainable nor enjoyable. We should eat for nourishment, not punishment. You can still be confident & comfortable in your body without dieting. It’s all about balance and doing what works best for you and your body!

What misinformation about RDs would you like to clear up?

People often think that RDs only work in hospitals or clinical settings but that’s so far from the truth. We work in private practice, corporate wellness, sports/fitness, academia, media, culinary, etc. We’re the nutrition experts in all areas of the field – not just clinical.

What are you passionate about in dietetics?

I really enjoy motivating people and watching them achieve their goals. It’s the most fulfilling part of my career!

What is your favorite meal?    

Dessert :) That’s considered a meal, right? I’m also a big fan of breakfast.

What tip(s) would you give to our readers?

Follow your passion. It sounds cliché but it’s true. You’ll never truly be happy if  you don’t do something you love – whether it’s a career path or just a hobby. Whatever you do, always be passionate about something.

More about Lauren:



Instagram: @manganiello_rd

Twitter: @manganiello_rd

Facebook: Lauren Manganiello Nutrition & Fitness 

LinkedIn: Lauren Manganiello, MS, RD, CDN, ACE-CPT

Thanks Lauren!