Jaymar Saniatan, RD



for something nutrishus

This profession will never die. I see this profession growing even more in the next 5 years. We will always need to eat and there will always be a new fad diet to discredit.

Jaymar reached out to share his career story as a way to get more men interested in the profession. He wants others to be aware of the endless possibilities that exist in this field of work. Unlike many in the series, he entered college knowing what he wanted to study and do for a career.

Why did you become a RD?

I became a dietitian to learn more about food and how our body changes based on what we eat and how we eat. I remember in high school always looking at food labels and wondering what all that information meant to us and why it was important.

What area of dietetics do you work in?

I currently work in a variety of areas under the nutrition scope. For the past 15 years I have been working in the clinical setting within a hospital/rehab/nursing setting. As with many RDs I also have a consulting firm in which I see clients privately. In my private practice I mainly focus on helping student athletes in regards to nutrition and fitness. I’m also certified in personal training and strength and conditioning, so I also help clients in that aspect.

How would you explain what you do?

If I were to explain what I do I would say, in short, I tell people what to eat and what to drink.

What are your ‘typical’ daily/weekly tasks?

I work in a rehab and nursing facility full time, so during the week I provide nutrition assessments on patients admitted into the facility. Two to three times a week I spend time with private clients that may include nutrition consultations or fitness training sessions.

What has been your career path?

My career path has been somewhat simple. I knew what I wanted to do entering college and I’m doing it. I’ve worked as a clinical dietitian as well as a clinical nutrition manager. As a consultant I’ve organized nutrition programs with the YMCA, provided talks to universities and for wellness organizations, and put on workshops for local high schools. I’ve also interviewed on a couple local television stations talking about nutrition and fitness. I’m still working at getting to the place I want to be, which is running my own consulting group.

What advanced education or special training do you have?

I have certifications in strength and conditioning and personal training.

In an ideal world, what does the industry look like 5 years from now?

This profession will never die. I see this profession growing even more in the next 5 years. We will always need to eat and there will always be a new fad diet to discredit. 

What misinformation about RDs would you like to clear up?

The biggest misinformation about RDs is that we are only cooks. We may know how to cook, but we are not chefs. RDs are your best resource for anything food and nutrition.

What are challenges you encounter as a RD?

As and RD you face challenges with the media and misinformed doctors sharing information not based on science. People are always shocked to hear what I do, but then always want to pick my brain about something they’ve heard on TV or from a friend.

What are you passionate about in dietetics?

My passion with dietetics is educating on the misguided. Misguided information provided by the media.

What makes RDs unique/different from other nutrition/wellness professionals?

RDs are different from other wellness professionals, because we provide information based what we know to be the best possible solution for the problem. We don’t give advice unless it will help the cause.

What is your favourite meal?

My favorite meal is a simple chicken and rice plate. I can eat that every day.

Anything else you’d like to add that you feel would be valuable: 

My one free tip is to seek help from an RD for any questions or concerns regarding nutrition.

More about Jaymar:

Website: Nutrition Phitness

Instagram: @nutritionphitness

Thanks Jaymar!