Ella Davar, RD, CDN, CHC



for Steph Langdon, RD

I am mainly interested in longevity research (some people like to refer to it as “biohacking”) and ways to extend our healthy lifespan to prevent food-related chronic disease.

With knowledge and certifications in yoga and meditation, Ella brings a holistic approach to her private practice and clinic clients. She is uniquely interested in lengthening our healthy lifespan while delaying/preventing chronic disease.

Why did you become a RD?

I grew up in a small town in Russia where my grandparents had a big garden and a farm, which basically allowed our entire family to be very self-sufficient in terms of foods and nourishment. I hadn’t had fast food and soda until I was a teenager!

What has been your career path?

I moved to NYC on my own when I just turned 19 years old. My first career was in Finance and Investment Banking, where I led a very busy hectic lifestyle and completely lost touch with nature and myself. I gained weight, had skin and digestion issues. Through yoga practice I felt the urge to go back to my roots and the wisdom of my ancestors. That’s when I realized that health is not something that you can buy at the supermarket and pharmacy, instead health and longevity depend on our lifestyle choices, our values, and our perception of stress. Eventually I decided to switch my career path and become a dietitian to be able to help and educate others on the importance of a well-balanced diet, stress management and exercise for longevity and disease prevention.

What area of dietetics do you work in?

I practice an Integrative and Functional approach to diet and lifestyle interventions and work in a disease prevention area of dietetics. I am mainly interested in longevity research (some people like to refer to it as “biohacking”) and ways to extend our healthy lifespan to prevent food-related chronic disease.

How would you explain what you do?

In my private practice I specialize in anti-aging nutrition for optimal wellness and digestive health. I work with busy professional individuals who are looking to implement healthy lifestyle choices into their lives to manage weight, optimize their health, performance levels and increase vitality and energy levels. My private practice is focused around integrative nutritional coaching and lifestyle interventions. In my 3 months program I support, educate, provide accountability and guidance on practical solutions for my clients to reach their health-related goals such as optimal wellness, longevity and improved energy levels. Learn more, here.

I also work in a social media realm by spreading my knowledge and expertise with the public online via Instagram, Facebook and my blog posts. I love to collaborate with food companies that are aligned with my mission to unjunk our food supply and increase fruit and vegetable consumption for all.

Additionally, I work at a prestigious Precision Medicine Center in NYC, where I counsel our clients on ways to improve their biomarkers, such as blood sugar and cholesterol levels through diet and food. I specialize in Elimination Diet for digestive health and support individuals with food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances found in their advanced blood test results.

What are your ‘typical’ daily/weekly tasks?

My work week is usually busy with either seeing clients at the clinic or online/over the phone via Telehealth.

During the weekend I love to cook, travel and write my social media plan for the week ahead. I am also working on my upcoming book, Driven Women Wellness: Your ultimate guide to self-care, which will offer a cohesive list of priorities, plan of action and hacks that help my clients reach their wellness goals while managing busy lifestyles in a healthy way.

What advanced education or special training do you have?

I received my education in Nutrition Science from New York University, and Integrative Nutrition Certification from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I have also completed a Certification course in Integrative and Functional Nutrition at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Additionally, I am a Certified Yoga Instructor, Theta healer and meditation practitioner. At Natural Gourmet Institute In NYC I took an intensive course in healthy eating techniques.

In an ideal world, what does the industry look like 5 years from now?

I hope that in 5 years RDs gain more power, a stronger voice and recognition in addressing the global problem and the need for change to our food system. I think more and more people will become aware of the impact our food choices have on our health and the health of our planet.

I hope that by 2025 the industry will take note on how the food we eat has tremendous implications, not just on our waist-lines and chronic disease but also on the planet, society, and the global economy. It is all interconnected: the more plants we choose to eat the better our local farming industry does, which in turn helps to optimize our soil quality by organic, regenerative agriculture to take place nationwide and prevent global warming.

What would you like people to know about RDs?

I’d like people to know that although RDs are well-trained healthcare professionals, we are not all the same. That based on their individual interests and curiosity RDs might differ in their approach to diet, food and wellness. For example, take me, even though I went to NYU to receive a very traditional education in Clinical Nutrition, I am more interested in a functional and integrative approach (which looks at the whole body and how other aspects of life affect it). Also I am a yoga instructor and Theta Healing practitioner. I am very spiritual and coach my clients on mind-body connection for optimal well-being and stress management.

I believe that our thoughts and our emotions in addition to sleep patterns and stress levels affect the quality of our lives and our health status.

What makes RDs unique/different from other nutrition/wellness professionals?

In the diverse field of wellness, I differentiate myself from other nutrition/wellness professionals, by having an insight and experience in clinical and medical settings, whereas many wellness practitioners don’t have any medical background necessary for critical clinical decision making when dealing with clients of various health status, cultural background, and socio-economical levels.

More about Ella: 

Website: www.nutritionistella.com

Instagram: @nutritionistella

Thanks Ella!